Skydivers and kangaroos in the landing area at Skydive Ramblers

Toogs DZ e-News #370 (18-24 February 2019)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Silas Barnes – Completed AFF
David Pearson – Completed AFF
Christopher Cavanagh – Completed AFF

Josh Arndt – Wing suit jumps
Chloe Bowen – New Drop Zone
Hans Buhrkwall – New DZ
Jen Bauer – First water training
Zeb Whalley – First visit to Ramblers


Jarrod AFF Stage 4 – Photo Robin

Jarrod AFF Stage 4 – Photos by Doyley
Ninette AFF Stage 5 first time by herself in the sky – Photo Adrian
Ninette AFF Stage 6 first unlinked exit – Photo Robin (great shot!)

Learning Curve Camp

Another Monday (the 18th of February) and another Newsletter, and the start of another Learning Curve Camp. Lots of people arrived and got stuck into it. Along with the 15 or so LCC jumpers our students and beginners were also hard at it.

Chris Cavanagh did Stages 6 & 7 of his AFF CourseMark Graham, Janelle (Ka Ying) Gong and Fiona McHugh did refreshers. And Mr woo and his Korean mates were here.

Chris AFF Stage 6 first unlinked exit
Chris flat flying on AFF Stage 6
Chris AFF Stage 7 dive exit
Chris AFF Stage 7 flips for days – Photos by Adrian
Fiona refresher – Photo Sara
Janelle refresher – Photo Adrian
Adrian and Janelle
Mark Graham refresher – Photos by Karen
Mark refresher – Photo Sara
Andrew smashing out B-Rel 2 & 3
Mark, Ditte, Eamonn – Learning Curve Camp
Mihalis, Josh, Robin, Eamonn
Matt Drew coming in – Photos by Karen

Perfect weather continued on Tuesday. Two new TandemsDylan Butler-Graham and Kristi Williams joined in the LCC fun. So did Chris Cavanagh who did his AFF Stage 8. There was a good mix of jumpers here of all levels. The seminars were well presented and received. Harvey’s landing videos we again a great learning tool for the people here.

Dylan tandem exit – Photo Sara
Kristi tandem exit
Kristi tandem freefall – Photos by Adrian
Kirsti tandem freefall – Photo Erik
Tuk Tuk refresher jump

On Wednesday Silas Barnes did Stages 6, 7, 8 & 9, David Pearson did Stage 9 of his Wind Tunnel Skydive Course, and Chris Cavanagh did Stage 9 – completing his Course. Well done people! However the early signs of the dreaded cyclone raised its windy presence. On the bright side we had a special visitor.

Take a closer look
Ah, life’s too easy at the DZ
Silas nailing AFF Stage 9 congrats – Photos by Sara
Silas landing – Photo Harvey
Dave AFF Stage 9 – Photo Doyley
Dave landing – Photo Harvey
David B-Rel 1 & 2 – Photo Sara
Chris landing – Photo Harvey
Franzis flying like a boss on B-Rel 4 – Photo Sara
Franzis landing
Tuk Tuk landing – Photos by Harvey
Nathan B-Rel 4 – Photo Sara
Nathan landing
Burkey landing
Charmaine landing
Eamonn landing
Kim landing
Joel landing
Tezza landing – Photos by Harvey
Janelle before exit – Photo Erik
Janelle landing – Photo Harvey
Drewey being unBEARable to a koala – Photos by Alex

Then on Thursday the wind started to intensify. We had a few jumps. Then Cyclone OMA blew all hopes of jumping away for the rest of the week.

Jess and Burkey 4 – way – Photo Sara
Mr WOO and the Korean Connection
WARNING – Kangaroos in landing area!
SKY – Sisters – Jess and Chloe – Photos by Karen

By Friday morning it was all over except for some fun in the pool.

Water training with Charmaine – Photo Sara

And not only was it the end of a potentially fantastic LCC, it was also the end of jumping for the week with Saturday and Sunday also totally blown out.

Special thank you to everybody who came along for the LCC. It was a bit of fun and some good stuff got done and the seminars were well received. Next LCC is the week before Easter. There’s a full moon on the Friday night so Night Jumps will be the theme for the week. See you there and ….

See ya!

Macca and the Ramblers Team.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Trip Advisor!


Dylan Butler-Graham – One of the greatest feelings.  Free falling feels like the purest form of freedom.

Upcoming events

The facilities and equipment are amazing. Pool, bar, plenty of wildlife and the location is just fantastic. The staff are professional, friendly and very welcoming. The local regular jumpers are extremely helpful too so have a chat, ask questions and get involved. Enjoy.

“out of this world” – by ExtremeSportsBlogger

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter