Toogs DZ e-News #358 (26 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2018)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Andre Santos – Completed AFF
Hsuan Lee – Completed AFF & Certificate A
Ben Kullman – Completed AFF & Certificate A
Thiago Giraldi –  Certificate A
Bianca Wilson – Star Crest
Ty Fels – Packer B & Star Crest

Monday 26th.  A Slow start to the week, the westerly winds were still lingering, Student Hsuan Lee managed to get Stage 2 of his AFF Course and Ben Kullman did Stage 3.

Lee AFF Stage 2 – Photo Sara
Ben AFF Stage 3 freefall

Tuesday 27th.  Finally a break from the winds, lets get jumping wheels off 6.30am. Tandem for the day was Sam Feddersen.  Student Hsuan Lee did Stages 3, 4, & 5 of his AFF Course and Ben Kullman did Stages 4, 5, 6 & 7. It was a great day of jumping, you should have been here!

Sam tandem exit
Sam tandem freefall
Sam’s tandem under canopy
Oli chasing Sam’s tandem – Photos by Adrian
Lee AFF Stage 3 – Photo Sara
Lee AFF Stage 5 – off to a great start
Lee backflying AFF Stage 5
Lee working it out on AFF Stage 5 repeat – Photos by Sara
Ben ‘Çanádia’ AFF Stage 4 with Darren
‘Canadia’ AFF Stage 5 flying by himself for the first time
‘Canadia’ AFF Stage 6 first unlinked exit
’Çanadia’ AFF Stage 6 freefall – Photos by Adrian

Wednesday 28h.  The weather didn’t stay good for long, as the hot westerly winds were set in for the day. Jacob Edwards and Tashsi Nugent spent the day in the classroom doing their First Jump Course.

Thursday 29thAndrew Petrusma brought his wife “Southern Belle” Laura Petrusma out for a Tandem skydive. Students Jacob Edwards completed TAF Stage 1 and Tashi Nugent Completed Solo Stage 1 of his AFF CourseIan Baker did Stage 4, Hsuan Lee did Stages 6, 7 & 8 and Ben Kullman did Stage 8. Well done to all.

Laura’s tandem – Photo Rangry
Tashi TAF Stage 1 – Photo Sara
Jacob TAF 1 thumbs up – Photo John
Ian Walker Stage 4 – Photo Rangry
Lee AFF Stage 6 – Photo Sara
Ben AFF Stage 8 slowfall – Photo Olli

Friday 30thFUNTASTIC FRIDAY is here!! Hsuan Lee and Ben Kullman both completed their Stage 9 jumps – finishing their AFF.  Congratulations guys!!! The local jumpers kept the plane turning.

Lee AFF Stage 9 exit
Ben AFF Stage 9 exit – Photos by Adrian
Robin – happy times

Saturday 1st.  Tandems for today were Sabine and Anthony Hoare, Congratulations.  New students Philip Filipi and William Sawyer completing their First Jump Course and  Stage 1 of their AFF Courses, Giovanni Pitzalis did Stage 2; Andrew Cook and Adam Frankel did Stages 3, 4 & 5, and Terry Frew did Stages 4 & 5.  Julian Brady and Kahlee Tesch did refreshers. And then we did some Star-Cresting!

Anthony’s tandem freefall – Photo Alex
Anthony with Tandem Master Andy Pike and Sabine – Photo by Karen
Kahlee – refresher – Photo Sara
Julian – refresher
Philip TAF Stage 1 with Andy – Photo Adrian
Philip with his TAF1 Certificate and instructor Andy – Photo by Karen
Will TAF Stage 1 exit
Will TAF Stage 1 freefall – Photos by Shelby
William with his TAF1 Certificate – Photo by Karen
Giovanni AFF Stage 2 – Photo Sara
Andrew AFF Stage 4
Andrew AFF Stage 5 – Photos by Olli
Adam AFF Stage 3 – Photo Doyley
Adam AFF Stage 4 – Photo Sara
Terry AFF Stage 4 – Photo Doyley

Star Crest Saturday

Star Crest with Tish – Photo Bianca

Saturday Star Crest – Photos by Ben Fuller

“Awesome Starcrest Saturday 😍 congratulations to Bianca Wilson on completing her last two starcrest, Ty Fels on completing all three and Brett Hyland on completing his first. Very successful and fun day looking forward to the next one😀 Thanks to #sqpc , #skydiveramblers and all of the experienced jumpers for making this possible.”

Natisha Dingle.

Congratulations on your Star Crest, Bianca! Photo by Karen

”On Saturday our 4way E-League team met up and finished the last rounds of the competition. Over the course of the day we did 4 jumps, out last jumping being a ‘Wagon Wheel’ exit that turned into a 3way Cat/Track, What a way to finish the day. Team members were: Catherine Brown, Ryan McStay, Oli Morris and Alex Cattaneo”

Alex Cattaneo –  E Licence, 630 jumps, 4 way coach, AFF Instructor, Packer A – A great guy!

Wagon Wheel exit

Cat Track! e-League team – photos by John Hamilton

Sunday 2nd  was very hot and windy.


Sam Feddersen –  Was a very enjoyable time.  Adrian is the man!
Jacob Edwards – Loved it, never been so scared in my life.  Sara was wonderful, Adrian was reassuring and professional.
Tashi Nugent – Outstanding service, appreciated the time take and quality of one-on-one teaching.  I will be back XO

See ya!
Macca & Team Ramblers.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Trip Advisor!

Upcoming events

8-9 December – Novice CRW Weekend Course
17 – 21 December – Learning Curve Camp
26 – 31 December – Xmas Feelgood Time

18 – 22 February 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
15 – 19 April 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
10-14 June 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
12 – 16 August 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
7-11 October 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
9-13 December 2019 – Learning Curve Camp

Hi Dave! I just wanted to reach out to you and extend my deepest gratitude for the absolutely exhilarating experience I had at Ramblers last weekend.

Never did I think I would ever jump out of a plane (took over 20 years to take the plunge), but Greggo and all of your staff made me feel confidant to take the leap.

The breathtaking views as we ascended to altitude set the stage for what was a one-in-a lifetime adventure.

Ramblers is a class act all around!!!!!!!! Thank  you to you and everyone there for creating an incredible opportunity and creating lasting memories.

I can’t wait to return for another dive soon!!!!

Regards, Natasha A.

“absolutely exhilarating experience” – by Natasha Aslett

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