Newsletter #290 (7-13 August 2017)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Aaron Li – Completed AFF
Liam Kwast – Certificate A
Guilaume Champollion – Display D



Photos Missed From Last Week:

Angela AFF Stage 7 & 8 – Photos by Sara


Here it is again, Newsletter time. It’s Monday 7 August.

Two new skydivers arrived, Emily Harris and Aaron Li did a First Jump Course and Stage 1 jump of their Accelerated Freefall Courses.

Wade refresher – Photo Scotty

On Tuesday Aaron Li did Stage 2 of his AFF Course. The wind picked up after the first load, so our instructor Sara decided to make the best out of it and gave a packing lesson for all the jumpers in the drop zone.

Aaron AFF Stage 2 Delta – Photo Splenda

On Wednesday the weather was better again so we were jumping all day. Aaron did Stages 3, 4 & 5 of his AFF Course and Shai Lewis did a jump towards his AFF. Too much for our DZ Koala who really needed a nap!

Aaron AFF Stage 3 with Sara – Photo Adrian & on Stage 4 – Photo Splenda


Koala asleep on a branch – Photos by Alex


By Thursday Aaron was up for Stages 5, 6 & 7 of his AFF Course.


Aaron AFF Stages 5, 6, & 7 – dive exit – Photos by Splenda


On Friday Dean Edmonds rocked by for a tandem


Dean in tandem with Doyley – Photo Scotty


Our Pilot Cam Candy continued his course and did AFF Stage 6.

Cameron AFF Stage 6 – Photo Adrian


Meanwhile our student Aaron did Stage 8 of his Course.

Aaron AFF Stage 8 – fast fall – Photo Splenda


On Saturday Magnus Palmborg, and Shane & Ryley Lampard came to Toogs for a tandem.

Magnus tandem Saturday – Photo Ben Fuller


Ryley before boarding & on exit with his Dad Shane in the background


Ryley in freefall & after landing – Photos by Sara


Meanwhile Troy Hanson did his first jump course and Stage 1of the AFF Course. Besides that Kristina Hicks organized a girls bigway training event for Saturday, Girls go large!!

And of course our regular fun jumpers were here doing B-Rels, freeflying, angles and much more!

Istvan and Darcy smashing their B-Rel 5 together


Chris B-Rel 6 with Robin and Brandan – Photos by Adrian



Angles Saturday & Joel Head-Up Crest 2 – Photos by Doyley


On Sunday Gina Gray, Darcy Dolan, and Richard Harris visited our Drop Zone to do a tandem.


Darcy tandem freefall & after landing


Richard in freefall & after the jump – Photos by Sara


Troy, yesterday in the classroom, today jumping out of a plane with his own parachute, did Stages 2, 3, & 4 of his AFF Course and Aaron Li did Stage 9 – completing his AFF! Congratulations!!

Troy doing the delta on AFF Stage 2 – Photo Adrian


Troy AFF Stage 2, 3, 4 – Photos by Doyley & on Stage 4 with Doyley – Photo Adrian


Aaron AFF Stage 9


After a busy Sunday with 9 caravan loads, what better way is there to finish the weekend than a sunset angle!?

Sunday Angles – Photo Doyley


Sunday landings – Photos by Ali


See ya!
Macca & Team Ramblers.

Visitor Book Comments:

Josh M – Fantastic Drop Zone.  Well equipped.  Awesome jumping.
Dean E – Speechless!  I will never forget this amazing experience.  Great staff.  Thankyou!
Darcy Dolan – That was amazing!  The view was jawdropping and fall was spectacular!  Thankyou 🙂

Had an absolute great time learning this amazing sport... I am absolutely hooked. My partner also did 2 tandem jumps, considering that she doesn't like flying or heights and yet due to the nature of Ramblers and their instructors and staff, she is definitely hooked as well. Absolutely recommend Ramblers either for an experience of a life time or to complete a full course. You will not regret it.

“absolutely hooked” – by Luke Gray (AFF Course)

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter