Shai Lewis – Completed AFF Hyun Seung Moon – Certificate A Joseph Larkin – Certificate B Laura Williams – Certificate D & Head Up Freefly Crest Adam Williams – Display General
Photos Missed From Last Week:
“Arrow from the West – Face into the Wind”Nothing like a good scratch before jumpingThe Beast has arrived to work with Mad Max!
It’s Newsletter time!!! It’s Monday the 14th and our students Aaron Li and Peter Costigan were here. Peter did stage 4 of the B-Rels and finished his 2 ways with that.
Peter B-Rel 4 – photo Adrian
On Tuesday Peter continued his jumping. After Tuesday the wind picked up and while it was great conditions to kite canopies on the ground there was no chance for any actual skydiving.
Wednesday Mr Woo arrived with a group of students for a few weeks but the day was largely blown out. So was Thursday.
The Woo crew
On Friday everyone got up early to beat the wind. So we had wheels up at 7 a.m. and Mr Kim did a refresher jump.
Kim refresher jump – Photo Sara
Getting up early on Saturday wasn’t enough, because the wind was already blowing away by 7 a.m. Fortunately it was the day of Coops’s birthday party in the Drop zone and all the people here managed to still have a great day! Happy birthday mate!!!
It’s Sunday! Get out of bed, look outside , the weather is great and there’s no more wind! Awww yeah! Claire, Ingrid and Robert Torrens, and Rohan Sills came to Toogs today to do a tandem.
Ingrid’s tandem with Ben – photo Adrian
Rob’s tandem & after landing
Rohan’s tandem with Ben & after landing
Student Stephen Brown did his Stage 1 of his Static Line Course after doing the first jump course on Saturday, while Shai Lewis did Stage 9 – completing his AFF! Congratulations!!
Steve Static Line 1Shai AFF Stage 9 – photo by Sara
Also Mr Moon is back doing his B-Rels!
Mr Moon B-Rel 2 – photo by SaraMr Moon B-Rel 3 – Photo Adrian
See ya!
Macca & Team Ramblers.
Visitor Book Comments
Stephen Brown – Very Awesome!
People shouldn’t do theme parks, they should go skydiving! Thank you!
Bob – Had a FAT TME Thankyou all.
Claire – Best experience ever!!! THANKYOU
Ingrid – Awesome
I'm a new jumper and it was heaven on earth for me!
You always get to $14000 feet and you are surrounded by fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach.
If you haven't been go!! To say I love it is an understatement. I'll be back very soon!!
“fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach” – by Ande Rogers