Rambling On ⭐️ DZ Action News #643 (30 Dec. 2024 – 5 January 2025)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Achievements & Congratulations

⭐️ Harley – Completed AFF

Drop Zone Action

We started off the weekend with our newest students Jack who did his AFF Stages 1, 2 & 3, and Dylan completed Stages 1 & 2. Our on going Students were Sam Stages 4-6, Andrew Stage 3, Rebecca Stages 5-7. And Harley did Stages 3-9, completing his AFF. Congratulations, and well done to all.

B-Rel jumps were done by Callum, Steve (x2), Josh, Peter, Glen, Clint, Shad, Patrick (x3), Keren and Charleen. Good on all of you!

And a warm welcome to the skies to all our Tandem passengers – Faris, Matthew, Gerard, Courtney, Jeffery, Kayla, Caitlin, David, Jerry, Nicholas, Brandy, Lochlann, Cameron, Jenny, Kerry, Patrick, Tara, Jack, Madison and Ava.

And then it was the Toogs New Years Boogie, more info and photos below.

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will either jump with you, or match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

Toogs NY Boogie

“Ramblers DZ sponsored a mini-boogie leading up to the 2025 New Year. The party, free cocktails by the pool sponsored by Cookie skydiving helmets, started on Sunday as the last load took off. Kylie provided the live music and the cocktails were terrific, cheers to Cookie Helmets. A brief welcome to drop zone boogie message was conducted later in the evening and the party continued.

After normal skydiving activities during the next day, the 41 registered attendees were treated to a free raffle and the prizes, all 96 of them, were items belonging to the late, great Claude Gillard, the founder of the APF.

On New Years Eve day, skydiving activities continued and the weather was ok. New Years Eve was a beauty. After dinner there was a fashion parade with a Rock Star theme. The costumes were unreal and judging the winners was very intense. Then the Band kicked in with good old Rock and Roll till 2 am New Years Day.

Happy New Year and Thank You to everybody who attended.”


See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

⭐️ Caitlin – Amazing. Great experience!
⭐️ Kerry – Was the best GIFT ever experience. Amazing. Thanks Robin & crew.


Upcoming Events 2025

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

The facilities and equipment are amazing. Pool, bar, plenty of wildlife and the location is just fantastic. The staff are professional, friendly and very welcoming. The local regular jumpers are extremely helpful too so have a chat, ask questions and get involved. Enjoy.

“out of this world” – by ExtremeSportsBlogger

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