Rambling On ⭐️ Drop Zone Action e-News #594 (8-14 Jan. 2024)

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


⭐️ Learning Curve Camp dates for the year 2024 have been set.
Dates are (Mon-Fri); APRIL 22nd – 26th, JULY 15th – 19th, and OCTOBER 14th – 18th.
If you are new to the Sport of Skydiving, the LCCs are a great way to get lots of jumps in at the cheapest rate. Check with Manifest and Instructors at the Drop Zone and find out what discounts are on offer and what you can get reimbursed from the APF and the SQPC. 

⭐️ If you are a Student or Novice skydiver, make sure you find out what you are entitled to with rebates from the APF and rebates from the SQPC.

⭐️ Have you heard about our “Ramblers Rewards“? If you introduce someone to the sport, you are eligible for discounts on equipment hire and even free jumps.

For more information contact the Drop Zone or phone us 07 5423 1159.


It was a quiet start to a weather dictating week. Still the 5 fun jumpers and our Tandem Sheena F. who were here got one load up.


There were 6 fun jumpers here and 2 loads were done.  Our Tandems today were Russell and Ali Reza H..  New student Tuli A. started his AFF training.

Russell tandem freefall – photo Adrian

AFF student Tuli did Stages 2, 3 & 4. Our Tandem today was Leilah.  There were 12 fun jumpers here and the three loads kept everybody happy.

Leilah tandem exit – photo Adrian

Weather was a factor of the week. Today there were 11 fun jumpers here but only 1 load done.  Our Tandems today were Oscar K., and Michael B..

Hayden TAFF Stage 1 – photo Adrian

One hop and pop load braved the clouds and 3 fun jumpers got their knees in the breeze … and that was it for the day.


Was similar, the annoying weather closed the drop zone early. There were 9 fun jumpers here plus Tuli, Stage 4 and new AFF student Hayden W. Stage 1, all on the one load that was done.


Yahoo the weather was great and the 45 fun jumpers here did the 11 loads that were completed.  Our Tandems today were Samuel A., Charlotte D., and Ranwalage R.. AFF student Hayden did Stages 2 & 3,  Tuli did Stage 4, and Luke B. did Stages 3,  4 & 5. Great way to end the week.

Hayden Stage 2 – photo Ben / Chris
Hayden smashing AFF Stage 3 – photo Chris
Luke AFF Stage 3 – doing some turns – photo Adrian
Luke AFF Stage 5 – photo Adrian
Team Bellas

The Bellas’ weather dance paid off, and they enjoyed glorious blue skies for their training day on Sunday. After lots of drills and practice in the tunnel, they were super happy with their awesome performance in the sky. With the nationals fast approaching, the team will be back out again in February so be sure to come and cheer them on!

The Bellas – Team Training – Photo by Michael Young
The Bellas – Team Training – Photo by Michael Young

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

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Hi everyone, if anybody is thinking of skydiving, Skydive Ramblers is the perfect place! They have awesome and experienced instructors. You can complete a number of courses or just came for a tandem jump. The area is amazing!!!!

“the perfect place” – by Jazz C

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