Rambling On ⭐️ Drop Zone Action e-News #588 (27 Nov. – 3 Dec. 2023)

Friday, December 8, 2023

Achievement & Congratulations!

⭐️ Matt B. – C-Certificate


The week started with 18 fun jumpers here and 3 loads were done. Our Tandem today was Mark C.

New AFF students  Mitchel  C, Ashton H, Yiting  (Gloria) L. and Shams M. did TAFF Stage 1, and Ben W. did AFF Stages 2 & 3.  Dave S. did a B-Rel Coach jumps with Toddy.

Gloria TAFF Stage 1 – photo Robin
Michelle TAFF Stage 1 – photo Adrian
Shams TAFF Stage 1 – photo Adrian
Ben ready for AFF Stage 2 – photo Robin
Ben AFF Stage 3 – photo Shelby
David B-Rel 1 – photo Toddy

TUESDAY was weathered out.


There were 17 fun jumpers here and again 3 loads were done. New AFF Students  Ashton, Gloria and Shams did Stages 2, 3 & 4.

Gloria ready for AFF Stage 2 – photo Sara
Ashton AFF Stage 2 – photo Adrian
Ashton AFF Stage 3 – photo Skydive Ramblers
Ashton AFF Stage 4 – photo Skydive Ramblers
Shams AFF Stage 3 – photo Adrian

THURSDAY rained out – a cloudy pause, no jumping.


On Friday more skydivers arrived. 25 fun jumpers were here and 5 loads were completed. Our Tandem today was Rishay A.. New AFF students Bayley O’K. and Michelle W. did TAFF Stage 1,   Idan F. and Martin M. did AFF Stages 1 & 2, Gloria and Shams did AFF Stage 4,  Ashton did Stages 5 & 6.

Rishay enjoying his Tandem – photo Robin
Idan TAFF Stage 1 – photo Robin
Idan ready for AFF Stage 2 – photo Sara
Gloria AFF Stage 4 – photo Sara
Martin AFF Stage 2 – photo Bibi
Shams AFF Stage 4 – photo Sara
Ash Stage 5 – photo Adrian
Ash Stage 6 – photo Adrian

the weather was “iffy” on Saturday. 39 fun jumpers were here, but only 4 loads got off the ground. Our Tandems today were Sarah B., Eric C. & Sebastian C., Gary C., Samuel E., Jess L., Flynn McL. and Konstantin S..  New AFF students Bayley did AFF Stage 2,   Idan and Martin did AFF Stage 3, Gloria and Shams did Stages 5 & 6.

Eric tandem freefall – photo OliM
Sebastian tandem freefall – photo Adrian
Gary tandem – photo Agwa
Gary tandem – photo Skydive Ramblers
Samuel tandem – photo Robin
Flynn loving it – photo Agwa
Gloria AFF Stage 5 – photo Sara
Gloria AFF Stage 6 – solo – photo Sara
Mat tracking exit – photo Reece
Mat deployment – photo Reece

Sunday was beautiful weather and 50 fun jumpers got 9 loads done.  Our Tandem today was Morgan P.  New AFF stars Bayley did AFF Stages 3, 4 & 5, Idan  did Stages 4 & 5, Martin did AFF Stages 4, 5 & 6,  and Shams did AFF Stage 6, and Gloria did Stages 7 & 8.  Zaccaria MacD., and Harrison B. did B-Rel Coach jumps today.

Idan AFF Stage 4 – photo Sara
Idan AFF Stage 5 – photo Ben
Martin AFF Stage 5 – photo Agwa
Gloria AFF Stage 7 – backflips – photo Sara
Gloria AFF Stage 8 – freestyling – photo Sara
Zac B-Rel 2-3 – photo Reece
Harrison B-Rel 2-3 – photo Reece
Daniel 2-way – photo Reece

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

⭐️ Flynn Mc. – “The best!”
⭐️ Samuel E. – “SO GOOD”
⭐️ Sebastian “It was so so so fun. Will definitely be returning!”
⭐️ Eric – “OMG what a rush what a great experience to share it with my son was amazing. I would highly recommend this.”


Upcoming Events

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Was anxious-as coming in to start my AFF course, but these guys truly put me at ease. Felt more like joining a members club than just buying a commercial course. Great atmosphere - encouraging staff - awesome experience.....Now I just gotta get back and complete the course!

“truly put me at ease” – by Gordon Price (AFF Course)

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