Ramblers Drop Zone Action ⭐️ e-News #549 (27 Feb. – 5 March 2023)

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Drewy – 2000th Jump

Monday 27th February. The start of the week 13 fun jumpers were here and 3 loads done. AFF student Aidan did Stages 7 & 8.

Tuesday 17 fun jumpers got 4 loads were done. 2 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Jamie with Todd.

Wednesday 1st March – Autumn started with 14 fun jumpers who did 2 loads. Hollymae did a Tandem. Daniel did a B-Rel Coach jump with Reece.

Holly tandem freefall – photo Adrian
Dan B-Rel 6.3 – photo Reece

Thursday was slow. The weather wasn’t the best, but 5 fun jumpers got on 3 loads.

Friday was also slow. 14 fun jumpers were here, but only 3 loads were done. 2 Tandems were done by Ringo and Alexander.  Nikolay did a Refresher.

Alex tandem freefall with Robin
Nik refresher – photos by Adrian

Saturday was busier. The Burn Team was here for the start of 3 days of seminars and fast skydives!  Good weather and 86 fun jumpers got 21 loads were done. Our Tandems today were Nick and Jay. New AFF students Federico and Eli did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. 7 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Michael Mc, Lucas (x2), Michael S, Alexander, Anna and Daniel.

Dan, Alex, Emily – B-Rel 6.2-3 – photo by Skydive Ramblers
Chance 2-way – photo by Charmaine

Sunday – was another good day. There were 98 fun jumpers here. 25 loads took to the skies. 9 Tandems were done today by Nicholas, Joshua, Darryl, Merilyn, Bella, Shawn, Jodi, Aiden & Rachael. AFF students Eli did Stages 2 & 3, Federico did Stages 2, 3 & 4, Phillip did Stages 7 & 8, and Joshua did Stage 8.

Nick Tandem – photo by OliM
Josh tandem freefall – photo by Adrian
Bella Tandem exit – photo by Adrian
Shawn Tandem – photo by OliM
Jodi Tandem – photo by OliM
Aiden Tandem – photo by Andy
Eli AFF Stage 2 with Ben – photo by Andy
Eli AFF Stage 3 with Ben – photo by Adrian

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

 Alex: “I had a blast during the dive!  First dive ever, but more to come 😊.”

 Ringo: ”First but not the last skydive.”

 Jay: ”You guys are awesome!  Thank you!”

 Nick: ”Best thing ever.”


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Did my first tandem jump with Sara what an absolute buzz & she made it completely painless highly recommended if you are looking to jump in Australia

“absolute buzz” – by Steve Lindley

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